WE MOVED : our PRC (Pastor resource center) our new location is awesome. We are right across the street from a University and get lots of walk in traffic to see what we are doing. Its fun to sit in there and experience the traffic.

We've added some great tools to help teach and equip Pastors. A printer/scanner/ copy machine. a binding machine to make books for our English teacher or for Pastors needing a bound book, a blackboard, some flash drives to allow moving files, pics, or documents to the Internet, a power strip for electricity to allow 4 or 5 Pastors to charge their cell phones (a constant challenge for the pastors who have no electricity in their Church or homes) at a time.

Here are some of the many Pastors who visit the center on a regular basis. They pop in and out to talk, read, charge phones,, or even use the space for meetings with people in town..

Through a great donor we were able to buy a nice 21 speed bike for Pastor John Baguma allowing him to move freely up and down the hills around Ft Portal to minister to his Church.

This was me (David) speaking during a 7 hour marriage conference at a place with the highest rate of witchcraft and black magic in all of Uganda. We had 15 Pastors and wives show up and had some great spirited debates on family planning, homosexuality and lots of things that are troubling the people there. God really moved in amazing ways...............

Here, I was singing "Emmanuel" at a Church with the same name.....

Preaching a sermon on "Righteousness"...I got a lot out of studying for this sermon. I hope a little leaked out to the congregation....They were very responsive and I preached for a little over an hour...........wewwwww..


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